Catherine Weiss
Catherine Weiss is a poet and artist from Maine. Their poetry has been published or is forthcoming in Tinderbox, Up the Staircase Quarterly, petrichor, Counterclock, Fugue, Okay Donkey, perhappened, The Mantle, and elsewhere. Their debut full-length collection WOLF GIRLS VS. HORSE GIRLS was published by Game Over Books in 2021.
jelal huyler
Poetry Editor
jelal huyler is an oakland, ca. born mixededed (biracial) who does not condone linear time.
Jason Montgomery
Visual Art Editor
Jason R. Montgomery, or JRM, is a Chicano/Indigenous Californian writer, painter, and playwright from El Centro, California. He merges Indigenous Californian and Chicano designs and aesthetics to explore the history of US colonization while synthesizing a decolonized motif that honors the complicated heritage of the postcolonial subject.
Malt Schlitzmann
Ephemera Editor
Malt Schlitzman is not afraid of conflict. They have been featured on Deadspin, Cracked, Vice Sports, and Best American Sportswriting 2020.